
Showing posts with the label Art

OPEN POST: An Artist's Shenanigans!

  In 2021, Danish artist Jens Haaning pulled off a comical art stunt that left the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Denmark scratching their heads. Jens received 532,549 Danish kroner (about $70,000) to create an artwork featuring real cash, with the expectation that he would recreate two of his earlier works that visually depicted average salaries in Denmark and Austria using euros and kroner bills. However, Haaning had a different plan up his sleeve. Instead of following the museum's vision, Jens submitted two blank canvases and claimed his actions were part of a broader performance art piece called Take the Money and Run. Oh yes, the old artist "fall back" claiming it was performance art. Sure, do it in your own show fool. How do you say idiot in Danish? The museum, however, was not amused by Haaning's cheeky move and took the matter to court. A Danish court ruled that the artist must repay the cash to the museum for violating his contract. Jens' lawyer, Peter S

Saturday is Caturday! Cats in Art Starting in Egypt. Post your Cats, Memes, Anything Kitty!

HAPPY CATURDAY, Peckerhoritos! I hope you have a great day full of feline love and delicious nourishment. Post your babies, videos, and stories, or ask for help. I plan to do this biweekly to keep it fresh and interesting. So, see you two weeks, my loves.xoxo The White Cat, Franz Marc, 1698 Egyptian Tomb Painting 1290-1213 BCE Xu Gu 'Cat and Butterfly 19th century Utagawa Hiroshige 'Asakusa Ricefields and Torinomachi Festival 1857 Utagawa Kuniyoshi ' Cats Suggested as the Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō , 1850 Bart van der Leck,  The Cat , 1914 Francisco Goya 'Don Manuel Osorio Manrique de Zuñiga' 1788 Théophile Steinlen, ’Compagnie française des chocolats et des thés’ c.1895-1900 August Renoir 'Julie Manet' 1887 Henriëtte Ronner-Knip, Kitten’s Game  c.1860 Kees van Dongen 'Woman with Cat' 1908 Marc Chagall  Le poète 1949 Frida Kahlo 'Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird' 1940 Andy Warhol 25 Cats Name Sam and One Blue Pussy 1954 David Hockney M

Saturday is Caturday! Gustav Klimt Artist, Cat Lover and his Art. Bring photos, memes, videos or anything feline related

I thought it would be fun to honor our feline friends on Caturday. The pups can't have all the fun on Sundays. This is a work in progress, so any feedback is welcome. What would you like to see here? I do write articles about pup lovers, but this one will have photos, clips, celebrities with cats, art, and sometimes a profile about cat lovers. Right now, it will be twice a month, biweekly, unless I find I can write something quickly. I am a fast writer, but time isn't always on my side.  Today, I am posting some art by Gustav Klimt(July 14, 1862-February 6, 1918) because he loved cats and had about 8 of them in his studio. Gustav is associated with the Vienna Secession movement that broke away from the accepted movements at that time because they felt they were limiting and forcing artists to follow accepted schools if they wanted to be successful and gain attention. It was the birth of Modern Art in Austria, a very conservative and traditional country at that time. Led by Klim