OPEN POST: Name This Big Fat Beaver
If you took one look at the picture above and thought to yourself, " Dam, that's one big beaver you've got there! What do you call her?" , you'd be in good company. That's because pretty much all of Chicago has said the same thing according to the internet . Seen living along the banks of the Chicago River, this little river rat has been described as "remarkably rotund" and needs a name. And well, if there's one thing people love, it's dubbing their big hairy beavers (I said DUBBING !). Anyhor, I came up with a few myself, but the internet needs your help, too. Bonus points if you can name the band this beaver joined AND their big smash hit. Sebastian's Dumb Beaver Names: Joan Gnawford Michael J. Beaver Kenny Loggins Sebastian's Dumb Beaver Band Names: Chewy Lewis & The Chews Pearl Dam Twisted Splinter Sebastian's Dumb Beaver Smash Hits: Dam, I Wish I Was Your Beaver Gnawing On Heaven's Door Wood Vibrations Now get to work...