
Showing posts with the label Chet Haze

OPEN POST: Here's Chet Haze Explaining the Kendrick & Drake Feud to Tom Hanks

Chet shared the chat to his Instagram story on Monday. I admit I am impressed by his grammar! Source: Chethanx on Instagram

CELEBRATE, BITCHES: It's National Vanilla Cupcake Day! Or What's "Good Vanilla" And "Bad Vanilla?"

Did you know? It's National Vanilla Cupcake Day! Crazy, right? What ghey do they tie up in a backroom and force to come up with these holidays? And what, you ask, does Britney have to do with this (beyond being a "Hi'ya!" to Madame Fleur, our resident Brit-Brit expert)? Thanks for asking! You see, the very idea of vanilla got me to thinking:  What's Good Vanilla and Bad Vanilla? For example, I think we can all agree that in her heyday, Britney was Good Vanilla and put out excellent vanilla pop music for the masses. Similarly, I think we can all agree that Chet Haze is Bad Vanilla, and on any day, past or present, puts out bad vanilla rap for the few incels who listen to him.  Below, I've put together two lists that I hope you can add to, if only to lead your fellow Peckers to Good Vanilla things, and help them street clear of the bad.  GOOD VANILLA 1) Britney. For reasons elaborated upon above. 2) Whitney Houston. Don't hate. In the early peak of her caree

Forrest Gump Jr. has found God

  Why is it when people realize they're assholes they turn it into an epiphany involving God?  Well seems like Forrest Gump Jr (aka son of Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson) and self-proclaimed king of White Boy Summer has been touched by the holy spirit. Just once I'd like for someone to admit they're a douche - the end. Move on. Go do good things to make the world a better place. Anyway,  Cheeze Whiz Chet Haze has removed all old photos of himself on his IG to reveal a new photo featuring a giant tat of a cross on his chest as his sacrifice to serve the All Mighty. He continued his path of enlightenment by posting these gems of divine inspiration. I get the sense he wrote these while flexing in front of a mirror as Chants of the Benedictine Monks played in the background. I will give Lambo guy credit for realizing he's a useless caricature. If a person is genuine in finding a greater entity that will help them get their shit together and be a productive citizen of the univ