
Showing posts with the label Countess Vaughn

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Let’s Revisit '227'" by SaucyKitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from  filthy  esteemed guest writers. Today's is from SaucyKitty! Hey, y’all. As a filthy esteemed guest-writing Pecker - ahem, Peckerwoodian - I was hoping to enlighten you with my insights and whatnot while rewatching some of my favorite TV shows from childhood, in this case,  227 , which led me to realize: 1) I’m getting old; 2) They sure don’t make ‘em like the used to; 3) My memory is not that fantastic; 4) Also, my thinking was that by re-watching some of my childhood favorites, I could justify it by writing about it for you, yes you, my loyal readers (y’all can be loyal readers after two blog posts, right?). Now hold up, I can hear your from here. “Why the hell are you covering 227 ?” you holler. “Why not The Golden Girls ?!” (hail Rose, Dorothy, Blanche, and Sophia, full of grace, cheesecake, and 80s floral patterns) Well, dear reader, the answer is simple; if you truly are a full-f