OPEN POST: October Creeper Theme; Memento Mori and Victorian Spooky

M.C Escher, Eye , 1946 Memento Mori: In art and spirituality, memento mori is a symbolic trope or meditative practice that reminds us of mortality and the transitory nature of earthly pleasures. The Latin phrase “memento mori” means “remember you must die.” Maria van Oosterwijck, Flower Still Life, 1669 Maybe my Scorpio nature fascinates me with the cycle of life and the idea of what our ancestors thought about death and its symbols-hourglasses, skulls, candles, rotting fruit, dying flowers. I find them sad and beautiful at the same time. October is one of my favorite months, and November is a close second. Memento Mori Photograph. Hidden Mother was a Victorian photography technique where they would have the mother hold the deceased child "hidden" or cloaked while keeping the body in place. Children often died before the age of 5 before the 20th century, so these photos were quite popular, though by today's standards, very creepy and horrific to our modern sensibi...