Post a Pup Sundays! Dachshunds! Photos, Memes, and Pup stuff.

The dachshund is a dog breed of hound and terrier ancestry developed in Germany and was initially bred to scent, chase, and flush out badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals. It is believed that the smooth dachshund gave rise to both the long-haired and the wire-haired varieties. The breed was required to go to the ground and flush out prey, and those cute little legs were bred to be effective when they did their job. It is hard to imagine those little pups as hunters, but they are, as their owners know they also use this instinct to steal socks and other items they can carry. Nico from Velvet Underground The dachshund is described as clever, lively, and courageous to the point of rashness. Dachshunds consistently rank among the 10 most popular dog breeds, and their playfulness, adaptability, and moderate energy levels make them excellent family dogs. They are good with children as long as they know how to handle them and often get along well with other dogs as long as the other...