
Showing posts with the label Elizabeth Taylor

BEN & JLO: It's Time To Take Bets On The End Of Love As We Know It!

The end is near. But how near, exactly?  It hasn't even been a full year since these two walking thirst hors got married for the second time. Why? Because Jennifer still hasn't learned a lesson from her better, Elizabeth Taylor: you don't marry a galumphing former addict nincompoop like Larry Fortensy more than once. Oh, and if that marriage doesn't happen with Michael Jackson and Bubbles at Neverland Ranch, why even bother? Both of them: amateurs! Here's where your part comes in. Please guess how long it will take for the two of them to publicly announce their divorce (not to actually be divorced legally, since that could take much longer). Choose from the following. Ben 'n' Jen will publicly announce their second divorce in: a) Two Weeks or Less (from 6/3/2024)  b) Six Weeks or Less c) 3 Months d) Six Months e) A Year f) Pick an EXACT DATE g) Never The winner, in order of comment date and winning vote, will be given a special prize. I don't now what