
Showing posts with the label Emma

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "When Celebrity Children Promote Illegal Drugs" by Emma (aka The Tennis Chick)!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from  filthy  esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Emma (aka The Tennis Chick):    Jaden Smith didn't say exactly how old he was when his mother Jada Pinkett introduced him and his siblings to the use of a means for getting along with each other. Mama Smith does not confirm or deny any of this, saying only that we'll have to wait for her upcoming memoir entitled “Worthy.” Which of course it is.    I wondered if Jaden was possibly a teenager or even younger at the time based on his revelations at the June 2023 "Psychedelic Conference" in Denver, for which he was (ahem) a featured guest. Jaden stated, ”Siblings can argue so much and fight so much, and lord knows me and my siblings have done so much of that in the past. But the level of love and empathy that I can feel for them inside of the (psychedelic) experiences and outside of the experiences has been