
Showing posts with the label Harry Styles

OPEN POST: This Harry Styles Bust Cake


CELEBRATE, BITCHES: It's National Vanilla Cupcake Day! Or What's "Good Vanilla" And "Bad Vanilla?"

Did you know? It's National Vanilla Cupcake Day! Crazy, right? What ghey do they tie up in a backroom and force to come up with these holidays? And what, you ask, does Britney have to do with this (beyond being a "Hi'ya!" to Madame Fleur, our resident Brit-Brit expert)? Thanks for asking! You see, the very idea of vanilla got me to thinking:  What's Good Vanilla and Bad Vanilla? For example, I think we can all agree that in her heyday, Britney was Good Vanilla and put out excellent vanilla pop music for the masses. Similarly, I think we can all agree that Chet Haze is Bad Vanilla, and on any day, past or present, puts out bad vanilla rap for the few incels who listen to him.  Below, I've put together two lists that I hope you can add to, if only to lead your fellow Peckers to Good Vanilla things, and help them street clear of the bad.  GOOD VANILLA 1) Britney. For reasons elaborated upon above. 2) Whitney Houston. Don't hate. In the early peak of her caree

Stop Throwing Shit At Performers On Stage: Harry Styles Edition!

Look, I get it. I really do. Some pop stars are insufferable twats and deserve to be slapped around. But get this: you honestly don't have to anything. Just sit back and relax, because karma will eventually catch up with them: Ah hahahaha! I keed, I keed (no, I don't). At any rate, this trend of beaning pop tartlets in concert continues with Harry Styles, who was hit in the eye this weekend - the eye, FFS! - with an unknown object by some goober in the audience: So what's the end goal here? Take an eye out? Maim his face? Make him dick-less? Because this isn't Harry's first time at the rode; some ass-nugget once chucked a bottle at his groin, causing him to double over in pain. I don't believe I have to repeat myself - will you kids ever listen?! - but there's much more fun things to throw if you really must. There's underwear (sans skid marks, you tool), jock straps (san piss stains, you heathen), and the old standby... . ..cream pie (though save that f