
Showing posts with the label Kelly Rowland

Who is May's Shitbag of the Month?

Our first cuntender is Richard Dreyfuss. The actor sparked controversy when he went on a misogynistic, transphobic rant while at a special screening of Jaws at the Cabot Theatre in Boston on May 25th. He first stepped on the stage in a dress, then proceeded to say that parents shouldn't listen to their kids when they tell them they identify as a different gender. He considers it bad parenting to let your kid figure out their own gender identity, since they might change their minds someday. Next he called Steven Spielberg an idiot. He then went on to say how much he admires Barbra Streisand (I mean, who doesn't?!), but that despite her "genius" he chooses not to listen to her because "a woman shouldn't have that power." Uh, k. Hundreds of people reportedly ditched the event in disgust.  Next up is Kathy Hilton. The reality star showcased her "cost effective" jewelry line this month, which she claims was inspired by her late pal Elizabeth Taylor

WHO'S THIS WEEK'S THIRSTIEST HO? Is It Jon Stewart? Or Kelly Rowland? Or Barry Keoghan's Peen?

Welcome, sloots, to the latest edition of "Who's This Week's Thirstiest Ho?" We've got three nearly-mummified candidates positively begging for moisture, so let's dive right in, shall we?  First up, we have Jon Stewart - giving his best "aw, shucks" look above - who must have been feeling extra-parched these past few years, since everything he did seemed to tank. There was his HBO animated series which HBO sadly dumped before it went on the air; a comedy tour with his good buddy Dave Chappelle which was sadly deemed "disappointing;" a movie he directed called "Irresistible" which critics sadly pronounced "lame brained" and "insulting;" and his Apple TV show, which, yes, sadly, nobody watched and was only recently cancelled (since, whoopsie, Apple didn't want him to go anywhere near touchy subjects like China because that's where their iPhones are assembled). What's a fallen Bro Idol to do? Especiall