
Showing posts with the label Ken Hughes

OPEN POST: Are Your Favorite Old Movies Still Watchable?

Have you ever re-watched a movie you once treasured as a child or a teenager and realized that it was low-grade crap? It happens! Recently, a friend watched "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" with her 7 year-old, hoping to share what she once enjoyed as a youngin'. "Ooo, I loved that movie when I was a kid," I told her. "Me, too," she said, "but when was the last time you saw it?" I had to think for a moment. I'd watched YouTube clips of my favorite scenes over the years, but probably hadn't watched the entire movie since I originally saw it on TV as a 10 year-old. "Trust me," my friend added, "it's junk."  Sadly, she was right. Warily at first, I re-watched it, and I'll be blunt, the movie is a dirge, moving at a snail's pace from one insipid musical number to the next, like the soul-curdling "You Two" with those offensively squeaky children; or "Posh," featuring the "eccentric" gr