
Showing posts with the label Kitties

Saturday is Caturday! Two Adorable Energy Balls and Christmas Tree Oops!

                                   Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! 

Saturday is Caturday! What intelligent thing can your cat do? Post photos, memes, videos or anything kitty!

This week, I found a cute video to share. This holiday season is busier than normal, so I will post what I can on Caturdays to keep Kitty Corner at the manor open for business. What intelligent things do your cats do? I have one that opens doors and has figured out how to get to the treats for cats and dogs. I had to put a lock on the door, or else she would feed the pets treats like a benevolent treat goddess. 

OPEN POST: Yes, Fashion Shows and Makeovers For Cats are Real!

  A tailor in Jakarta makes a living making fashion for the Asian market. It's unremarkable of a statement until you find out his clients are people who love the look of snappy wardrobes for cats. Some clients have seasonal wardrobes and unique holiday clothing just for their cats. Japan is one of the largest markets for this because they are known to be cat crazy and pamper their felines more than any other country in the world. These cats seem up for it; one of mine would take one look at a kitty kimono and might launch herself at me, claws out and saying, "Bitch, Please. I hope you enjoyed having sight all your life because this cat fashion shit is the last thing your sorry ass will ever see." It will have been the least I deserve.  Above is a photo at the Indonesian 2023 Fashion Show in Indonesia, and as you can see, these women mean business. (top photo the guardian)