
Showing posts with the label Laird Creger

In Praise Of "The Big Boys" by Ecce Homo!

Not exactly a secret, I like bears, or "Big Boys." In fact, there's little that excites me more than a big, hulking, hairy man-mountain that turns out to be a homo. And if he has "gay voice" it really makes me really crazy. What these examples of "Big Boys" all have in common is talent and magnetism. None of them were stars in the strictest sense (they generally didn't headline films), but they added dimension to every movie they appeared in. Not saying I'd do all of them, but they do intrigue me. Laird Creger: a quiet, intelligent man who hoped that despite his girth (and gaiety) he might one day be a leading man and a star. He achieved both goals, but only briefly. A commanding figure (6'3" and weighing over 300 pounds), he attracted the attention of critics and Hollywood talent scouts as soon as he appeared onstage in various plays. Alas he went on crash diets and popped lots of pills to lose weight and conform more to the prevailin