
Showing posts with the label Leah Remini

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Which Came First? The Scum Or The Scientolyhole?" by Emma (aka The Tennis Chick)!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from  filthy  esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Emma (aka The Tennis Chick): Are you born scum, which subsequently attracts you to Scientology? Or does the "church" actually make you scum? But before we get to that, have you noticed the recent spate of articles lately claiming that Tom Cruise is stepping away from Scientology? Out of the blue, a number of pieces suddenly started popping up with claims that Tom has not visited the Scientology headquarters in East Grinstead, England, despite having hauled ass to the UK some three years ago. This was presented as evidence that he was about to break up with the cult. In truth, Tom has faced this kind of fake news for years. Back in 2015, Esquire claimed that he was calling it quits with Scientology for the sake of his then nine-year-old daughter, Suri, who was at risk of being branded a Suppressive Person for not being raised w