
Showing posts with the label Peckerwood Cafe

Peckerwood Café: 6 Basic Sauces-Chapter 1-Bring your recipes , tips, suggestions, share your meal

Today, a good subject would be sauces, and I will put several recipes here for excellent basic sauces that can elevate meals. I mainly chose the fast ones and a nice long simmer marinara that you can make on a Sunday and have for the week. Once you have the sauce, the main meat, poultry fish, or vegetarian cutlet is easy. This is my first article on sauces, but it will not be my last. I want to always offer a way to make the recipes vegetarian. We are inclusive hookers! Delicious basic savory tomato basil sauce; Ingredients : 4 pounds plum tomatoes (or two 28-ounce cans of whole peeled plum tomatoes) 6 tablespoons unsalted butter 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 medium yellow onions, peeled and finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped   Instructions : If using fresh tomatoes, cut them in half and remove the seeds. Then, grate the tomato flesh into a bowl using a box grater. Melt the butter and olive oil over

Peckerwood Cafe: What's For Dinner? What dish have you mastered?

I have not had the chance to cook much during our holiday since the ranch we were staying at has a chef. Usually, we joined a few other guests for dinner at the owner's house. The food was great but now that we're returning home, we had to settle for a tasteless and overpriced airport breakfast. Unfortunately, we headed to New York instead of California because my husband has to work tomorrow and be holed up in my aunt's office. Oh well, back to the grind. So, instead of cooking for my family tonight, we'll get takeout and relax at my aunt's house in Manhattan with some company. My cousin and his wife, who are big foodies, will join us, and we're looking forward to trying out some new cuisine. I've decided on a Burmese. I'll let you know how it goes. @Captain Peacock likes off the beaten path ethnic cuisine, so she is the inspiration.  I'm not one to brag, but I've become quite skilled in the kitchen. Cooking with my Brother-in-Law, who has worke

Peckerwood Cafe: Breakfast recipes, tips, and ideas. Plus breakfast tacos.

It is the end of the summer, and I was thinking about what to discuss; you gave me some ideas; I want to discuss so many things and help us broaden our menus and try something new. We tend to eat the same small food grouping, and I assert it is because we don't know what to do with some stuff we see, but it doesn't mean we aren't curious. It took me a moment to find something I liked with celery root. Breakfast is one of those meals we usually slap something together because we are in a rush or the choices seem limited. I am as guilty of this as anyone and save up taking time to cook for weekends. Breakfast is my least favorite meal, but I like brunch, and it is only because mornings are not my best time of the day, and I am usually rushing. We deserve something tastier for breakfast. I put my husband up to it too much, and the kids end up with cold cereal or toast with eggs or something from the bakery on the way to school. During their breaks, we eat better, and they are

Peckerwood Cafe is Serving up Pasta(chapter 1)! Share recipes, tips and What did/will you eat for dinner?

I don't believe I have ever met someone who doesn't like at least one pasta dish. At least. I eat it so many different ways I have lost count. I like twists and new versions of old favorites when someone does something unexpected. But I always go back to the pasta my godfather used to make, and when his mom came from Italy to visit, she would make so many lovely things, but they were always comforting and homey. That she refused to acknowledge my godfather's sexuality made for a strange tension, I didn't understand, and I think she cooked so much to avoid what was in front of her. A four-bedroom townhouse-one was mine; one room was an office, one was my cousin's, and the other had a king-sized bed. But OK, lady.  There are a few things I retained passed on by him to me. If you love pasta, quality olive oil is one thing to invest in. It elevates pasta dishes and makes the flavors richer and closer to how Italians eat their food. Ironically, some of the best olive oil