
Showing posts with the label Ridiculous

Pardon My Rant: We Need To Talk About the Progress Pride Flag

I dislike the new version of the pride flag. The left side of the flag gives off an aggressive vibe, making it seem like the original pride flag, or its second iteration is outdated and regressive. Proponents of this new flag argue that it is more inclusive, but to me, this assertion lacks merit. The older flag version was never exclusionary; it was always intended to promote inclusivity. That was the fundamental principle, and there's no need for modifications. We should revisit the original flag to reconnect with our roots and identity. It feels like the essence of the flag has been misunderstood by some younger members of the community who are drawn to performative actions that may do more harm than good. I don't doubt their good intentions, but I firmly believe that the creator of the original Progress Pride flag had misplaced motivations. What's the deal with that obnoxious circle? It seems like some performative nonsense that makes me want to scream at the person who

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU! Andrew Tate, Christopher from Gilmore Girls and Therapy

Andrew Tate went to therapy! Don't laugh. Really. Okay, he had one two-hour session with the guy who played Rory's deadbeat, feckless father, Christopher on Gilmore Girls, who now claims to be a therapist with a CV that seems...a wee bit dubious at first glance. But, hey, it is a start, right? Maybe Christopher can redeem himself in real life, and maybe this actor transcends education and  professional experience with an uncanny ability to understand people and profound psychological concepts that can reach deep into Andrew's supremely fucked up mind. He flew all the way to Romania ! So this was some serious stuff, right? I was curious and wanted to write about it, so I watched it. Could anyone possibly get through to a revolting egomaniacal he-beast like Tate?  David Sutcliffe (Christopher) is a Canadian never-was who says he gave up acting to become a life coach or therapist or something, so he is 110 percent qualified to tackle someone as emotionally crippled as Andrew T

TREND ALERT: Primal Fitness (cue the Palaeolithic era)

Photo: Primal Movement Academy What do you call lifting, carrying, crawling, pushing, pulling, throwing, running, squatting, and jumping? If you're over the age of 40 - it's called exercise.  If you're a pretentious IG or Tik Tok twit, you label it as primal fitness.  Wait a second: is this what moronic influencers do all day? Sit around thinking of vacuous new names for existing things? Is this their sole focus of their existence? Ugh. Back to the story. The new trend among the pretentious and gullible is an exercise routine these posers define as, "foundational movement patterns to increase efficiency in everyday life." Huh? From what I was able gather, the patterns include pushing, pulling, rotation, and a bunch of other nonsense. Um, isn't this what in the old days was referred to as cross-functional or strength training?  I guess the IG and Tik Tok crowd need to put their own spin on it to make it sound fashionable. In a Muscle & Fitness article, Dan

A Tacky Day at The Races! Rate the Worst.

Dressing up for Horseracing has rules; during the weekdays, it is more casual, and unless you are at the royal races in certain boxes, you don't have to go full out. But these women didn't get the memo. The London social season is over, and it is hunting season now when the social scenes move to the country and the social calendar changes to country pursuits-shooting parties, weekend parties, hunting parties, and so forth. So, these races are less prestigious, but there is no reason to look ridiculous. You should still wear something tasteful, comfortable, tasteful, and TASTEFUL for the love of all that is holy.  British hats are wacky, and some women love to wear them and have collections of them. Some designers are better than others at it; Philip  Treacy makes nice ones. You should save them for weddings, some weekend racing events, and some events when it is asked for; otherwise, you run the risk of looking foolish and getting your picture taken. Wouldn't someone look