
Showing posts with the label Rosanna Arquette

Rosanna Arquette Starring in: "Desperately Seeking the Brake Pedal!"

File this under, "Uh-oh Spaghetti-Os!" 63 year-old Rosanna Arquette - who entered Hollywood meemaw territory the moment she turned 30 - had a meemaw moment in Hollywood yesterday. According to the L.A. Times , the "Crash" actress - Ba-dum tsss! - crashed her car into a Malibu shopping center.  Thankfully, Rosanna wasn't hurt by her oopsie and neither was anyone else. Also, she freely allowed herself to be tested for drugs and alcohol, and get this, she was clean. This is good news and bad news. It's good news, because the actress was not popping dolls like half of Hollywood. (side note: should one drive on Ozempic?!). And neither was she boozing it up, like some stars have been known to do.  On the other hand, she could be a Toonses-level driver - this is not a good thing! - or worse, maybe she really has entered meemaw territory, because police determined that the crash was caused by her footsie when she pressed the gas pedal instead of the brakes while p