
Showing posts with the label Scorpio The Demon Pussy

OPEN POST: Meet Scorpio, The Demon Pussy Of Peckerwood Manor!

Woe to thee who face the wrath of Scorpio, The Demon Pussy Of Peckerwood Manor. In truth, few have seen her, though if you're assigned to feed her - as we all are, since we're on monthly rotation - you know what will happen if you're even one minute late with her bowls of Shrimp Etouffee and Pinot Noir. You will pay. Not right away, of course. She'll make you wait.  Scorpio doesn't always intend to be evil, necessarily, but she won't hesitate to punish those who do not hold her in highest esteem. If you should be so lucky as to see her, you must pet her - and that includes her downy-soft belly when she rolls over on her back. Is it a trap? Who knows? But you are compelled to find out.  On a related note, the Manor's infirmary is open 24/7, though if your injuries are life-threatening, kindly call for EMS transport. On an unrelated note, cook's main course tonight is baked cod fillets  with steamed eggplant and tahini sauce with pine nuts and preserved l