
Showing posts with the label Street Dogs

Post a Pup Sundays are Back! Do You Have a Dog You Will Never Forget? For This Woman It was a Street Dog: Simón

  From the Guardian:  It wasn’t love at first sight with me and Simón. In fact, I didn’t want him. I had been promised a labrador, but when we met in 2004 he turned out to be a street dog – one of the estimated 66,000 strays that prowl the streets of Bogotá, a deep-black furred creature with a white chest who may have been the grandson of a labrador. He was aggressive and I was scared of him, yet we took him home. After all, we had driven for eight hours from my home city, Bucaramanga, to collect him after my uncle, while looking for his missing cat, had found this “labrador” in an alley. My uncle said the dog was about six months old, judging by how short he was. On the way back, he vomited in the car the whole way. To be fair, Bucaramanga is at the top of a plateau; to get there, you drive along Pescadero, a steep, winding road that snakes its way up the Chicamocha canyon. It’s enough to make anyone queasy. After a few days, Simón became less aggressive and we started to connect; he