
Showing posts with the label Technology

TREND ALERT: Bossware (work spyware) Is Getting More Sophisticated

  Photo courtesy of: People Management Bossware is the term to describe productivity tracking software used by 60% of companies in the USA. Some folks refer to it as "spyware" or "productivity monitoring" programs.  The type of monitoring software used varies by companies and industries. Bossware includes GPS monitoring of your device (PC, laptop, phone, wearables, and other devices) regardless if it's company issued OR if you are using your own personal equipment for company business. It also includes email tracker monitor on displays, webcams, screenshots, microphones, mouse, stylus, and keyboards (to determine how often you're typing and using a mouse, in addition to monitoring of sites you visit. Some bossware can also monitor eye tracking and facial activity. Employers use bossware to ensure employees are not goofing around on the job and to prevent the disclosure of company info, trade secrets, etc. by workers in the office (or those who work from home

A Pandora Box Has Been Opened - Deep Fake Videos: A Commentary

Deep fake movie trailer for Back to the Future 4 is making the internet rounds. Image courtesy of Richard Nebens / The A deepfake movie trailer is making the rounds on the internet that is misleading the public into believing there's a new sequel coming out for the Back to the Future movie franchise. It actually popped up on my phone Google news feed.  The deepfake is fake is titled "Back to the Future 4: Back in Timeline". The deepfake movie trailer shows Tom Holland's head superimposed on Michael J. Fox's body. It spliced together clips from past BTTF movies. It also took a clip from Spider Man: Far From Home which shows Tom and Michael in a scene. The deepfake movie trailer was uploaded on You Tube by KH Studios and it's raked up 11 million views. This isn't the first time someone has tried to fool BTTF fans into thinking a new movie was coming. In 2020, You Tube EZRyderX47 created one using Tom Holland and Robert Downey, Jr. and their face