Doja Cat, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?! (how to lose 250,000 fans and counting)

Doja Cat must believe she has so much talent that it allows her to do and say anything she wants and get away with it. In the past, this has been true; her fans are one of the most stalwart fan bases I have ever seen, probably thinking her controversies made her a badass who didn't give any fucks. That can be alluring because so many people care what others think of them, and it stops them from doing or saying things that might offend or disappoint someone, even if it is true. For her young fan base, it was as if only they understood her unique genius, and they would defend her, claiming she's just complicated and misunderstood. 

This time though, she stepped over that invisible line that goes into No Return Territory because this isn't the rapper's first brush with controversy, and she went too far. Since she came on the scene, Doja seemed to enjoy courting attention and never seemed to mind if it was negative; in fact, she acted as if she preferred it to be negative and has continued to make poor choices. The reason is not a Colombo mystery; Scrappy Doo(yes, that little asshole) could crack this case-it's because she's got the emotional maturity of a feral toddler. 

Currently,  she's in a relationship with the human horror show and social media personality J Cyrus, who as many as 20 different women have accused of sexual misconduct; he used his role as a mod on Twitch to harass and manipulate his victims so they couldn't communicate with each other to compare stories-this was his way of avoiding detection. In 2020, Cyrus posted an incoherent rambling apology on Twitch that reads like he is more sorry for himself than anything else. In plain speak, he's a terrible person. Oh, but it gets worse. This creature has a "two-timing cheater" on his resume, accusations of grooming, and several of racism, a literal trifecta of BS. He seems to be the worst human garbage dump, but she's making bold attempts to catch up to him; maybe it's because they were made for each other. Doja seems to think so; get a look at her elegant response when her fans came to her concerned for her welfare and tried to make her see that this guy is rotten:

Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini is of White Jewish and Black South African Zulu heritage, born to artistic parents, lived in an ashram in California studying Hindu, and spent years in New York with a grandmother who is an architect and artist, so you would think she would exhibit some awareness, but she never has. Her mixed race didn't stop her from writing an inappropriate song about African American victims of police brutality, most specifically Sandra Bland(a black woman found hanged in her jail cell under very suspicious circumstances). I refuse to write the song's name because it is an alt-right disgusting term, and this trick tried to claim she didn't know. It is the kind of term no one will come up with unless they know, so Bitch please just stop. She was accused of using the n-word in some ridiculous chat room, flirted with the alt-right, went to a party with Kendall Jenner during lockdown, threatened to quit music after her poor behavior toward fans in Paraguay was called out, and dubbed COVID a simple flu during the height of the pandemic. Those are just the highlights of Amala's poor behavior, yet her fans stayed devoted to her and forgave her repeatedly. Even when she lashed out at them and threatened to quit the industry, they remained faithful and supported her. Staning a pile of hyena caca would make more sense, but these blind souls were dedicated and rode hard for her even when they found it challenging.

However, this time, they have had enough of her antagonistic antics, "My fans don't name themselves s–t," she wrote on Threads. "If you call yourself a 'kitten' or f–king 'kittenz,' that means you need to get off your phone and get a job and help your parents with the house." A fan pointed out that she was the one who gave them the nickname, and she responded that she did that as an alcoholic teen, as if the fans were just lame-ass idiots for even listening to her in the first place. This might actually be true because at what point don't you realize that the object of your affection and loyalty has never deserved any of it? They act like Stockholm Syndrome victims and have overidentified with this useless feral toddler. 

Did she stop there? Why no, she did not. When a fan asked what they should call themselves, Doja told her supporters that they should "delete" their "entire account and rethink everything."Further, Doja ridiculed fans who used her legal name — Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini — on their social media accounts. "you making my government name your sn [screenname] is creepy as f—k," she later deleted it, but in this day and age, nothing gets deleted anymore, and it circulated anyway. 

Was there more? Of course, Miss Cat didn't stop there. Are you serious? She was in her zone and had more to projectile vomit at them:

Doja: "My life, my rules, my style, my attitude," 

Fan: "I wanna hear you say (I do love you guys) as usual you say to your fans." (I hope this fan is ESL because that is barely understandable)

Doja: "I don't, though, cuz I don't even know yall."

Fan #2: "And we don't know you. But we have supported you through thick and thin. Mind you, you'd be NOTHING without us. You'd be working at a grocery store making songs on fucking garage band miss high school drop out…" (that fan is salty and correct)

Doja: "Nobody forced you idk why you're talking to me like you're my mother bitch; you sound like a crazy person."

Charming, isn't she? Again, she tried to delete it, but it all came to light as usual. When will these stars understand this? You are writing to the universe; someone is always ready to snap screenshots. 

Cat is vicious, and worse, she is unbelievably ignorant; worse, she's stuck in the last decade style-wise, and her attitude has worn thin. She's already dressed to play part of has been. Fans have the power to end the trajectory of a celebrity, and every star with longevity in their career knows that fans can quickly move on, and when they do, they will take all of the fame and fortune with them. Doja must think that this train can't end. Her star power will never fade because she's won many awards and critical accolades. That is far from the truth; two hundred fifty thousand of her ex-fans agree. 


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