Kissing ScarJo Was "Hell," Says Diversity and Woke Expert Matt Damon!

Wise words + Matt Damon. An oxymoron? Who can say? A few days ago on "LADBible" on YouTube, Matt was chit-chatting with Emily Blunt about McDonalds, Jimmy Fallon and "Oppenheimer," which they both appear in, when the important topic of macking on co-stars came up. Is it sexy? Is it gross?

I, for one, was waiting with bated breath, because this is the same Matt Damon who wanted us to know that he'd wisely stopped using homophobic slurs at the tender age of 50 (at the insistence of his grown daughter). Better late than never? But whatever. He's evolving! And as he's sagely noted, this is "the white man's burden. It's a very rarified air." And Harvey Weinstein? He had opinions on that topic, too, noting that the #MeToo movement is causing a culture of "outrage," plus there's a "spectrum" of sexual abuse, he added, the implication being that some of its kinda okay, while some is just plain naughtiness. Obviously he sees subtleties the rest of us don't. We have so much to learn from our Matt.

In fact, he's so evolved, he sends his kids to private schools - and be honest, wouldn't you if you had big-time movie star bucks? Who doesn't want the best for their li'l crumb catchers? But, hey, stop right there, bub. This isn't about money for Matt. He only chose a private school, he insists, because he and his wife couldn't find a public school "progressive enough." In all of Los Angeles. You guys just don't get it!

As for the kissing business, Matt appeared in the 2011 movie nobody saw, "We Bought A Zoo" with Scarlett Johansson (she's famous for actressing as a tree!) and said that kissing her was "hell," because she'd just had an onion sandwich. White man's burden, indeed! 

And, boy, does Matt know about burden. A few years back, he had to go out of his way to explain diversity to Effie Brown, an experienced Black producer who was blacklisted for a spell after daring to question Matt. Which is so unfair! For Matt! Matt is breathing rarified air. In "Oppenheimer" - a movie I liked, but which nearly busted my eardrums because the music wouldn't shut up - Matt plays an army functionary to the movie's namesake hero. He's an everyman white guy who's just trying to get by and follow the rules. In many ways, it's the most Matt Matt role he's ever played, because Matt is doing the hard work for all of us. Talking, representing, being the man. If only we would listen. 

Photo Source: AFP/Getty


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