EVENING NIGHTCAP: Use wrong bathroom = lose your job in Florida. Samantha's blink & you missed it cameo. Friends cast difficult to work with? Your chance to buy Carrie's dead bird wedding hat.



Cock-a-doodle doo! Today we have a dead bird hat that's expected to fetch $70k at auction. A writer on a show that confirmed what I always suspected about the cast. And Florida's Governor Ronalda gave me another reason not to visit the state. Well, I wasn't going to anyway with his anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, anti-education, anti-women, anti-books, anti-democracy crap he's peddling. Besides, I swore I would never visit that state again since they screwed over Al Gore who won the popular vote for US president yet lost the election because of shit that happened there with paper chads. Grab your cocktail and let's get started.

 ► If you're unfortunate enough to live in Florida these days and work as an employee in their school system including K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and offices that are under Florida's Dept of Education, you better double check which bathroom you use. The Florida Department of Education (under the control of Governor Ron DeSatan DeSantis and his Republican pearl clutching extremists) unanimously approved the firing of any employee who uses the wrong bathroom. If an employee is found using a bathroom that does not match their birth gender, it's grounds for termination. Read More

Comment:  Here's my opinion about Governor Ronalda, his boot licker followers, and the fear mongering bigots behind LGBT bashing:

► Kim Catrall's blinked-and-you-missed-it cameo on SATC "And Just Like That" was finally revealed. I don't watch this show and I don't give a shit about it but I know some folks do. Samantha is shown in a nano-second cameo making a phone call to My Little Phony that apparently barfs up some joke from an old SATC episode. BTW, this is supposed to be Kim's only cameo for the spinoff show. Read More

Comment: Kim cashed the check and is done with this shit - good for her. All I know about the show is what I read when surfing the internet. My Lil Phony and her cast mates are in it for a cash grab as they realize SATC fame is all they have left - which tells you all you need to know about their acting talent if they can't expand beyond it.

Speaking of SATC: Want the dead bird hat that My Lil Phony wore on SATC for her wedding to whatever dude she was going to marry? Here's your chance because Sotheby's is going to auction it. The taxidermy piece of shit shown below is expected to go for $70,000. That's not a typo. Read More

Photo: Pintrest / Flame

Comment: I had to find out what this was. Like I said about in the other SATC nonsense I wrote about, I don't know anything about this show except what I read on the internet. WTF....that is ACTUALLY a dead bird on the bridal veil! Ewwwwwe. No wonder her character is such a loser. If I wanted a dead chicken on my head, I'd just ask one my buddies to put a bucket of KFC on my noggin and call it a day.

► Patty Lin, a writer on the TV show "Friends" is revealing in her book, End Credits: How I Broke Up with Hollywood, that the cast of the show were apparently a bunch of brats. According to Patty, "the biggest problem was how the cast would ruin a joke on on purpose if they didn't like the way it was written".  Patty also said,  “Everyone would sit around Monica and Chandler’s apartment and discuss the script. This was the actors’ first opportunity to voice their opinions, which they did vociferously. They rarely had anything positive to say, and when they brought up problems, they didn’t suggest feasible solutions". Read More

Comment: Gee, I'm not surprised to hear this revelation. Personally, I despised the show. If I knew people as whiny and pathetic as their characters, I would unfriend them and block them ASAP. I watched a few episodes when the show first aired. I found the acting shallow and the characters annoying as hell with no redeeming qualities. Sounds like Patty discovered this as well.  An example of life imitates art. 





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