OPEN POST: The Man Who Became a Dog

How much does it cost for a human to become a dog? If one wants to become a canine, it is a mere £12,500.00/$15,745.00. Who would do such a thing, you ask? Why, a man named Toco from Japan, that's who. He posts his videos on social media, showing viewers how he learned to eat, play, and do tricks. This "dog" has a crate and likes to be walked and spend time in dog parks with real dogs who probably look at each other like, Who is this fool in this costume busting our groove? This man isn't alone in this pursuit; it seems there is a subculture of people who think they are animal spirits in human bodies. But don't mix them up with furries, mostly fetishists who dress up for sexual pleasure. Don't even get it twisted. These people take this seriously and believe, as Toco believes, that he is a Border Collie. So, how would you feel if you showed up for a date and someone met you at the door as a Border Collie with a leash? I, for one, would be sprinting as far away as possible and wondering what in the hell did I just witness.  


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