EVENING NIGHTCAP: Holly Marie Combs Blabs. X Files Is Getting A Reboot. Jonathan Majors Is Found Guilty. Gerard Depardieu Is Gross (and a museum agrees).
► The TV series "Charmed" with its original stars may have broken up 20+ years ago but the squabble between its actors continues. The latest to drudge up past history is Holly Marie Combs. During an appearance on the Lets' Be Clear podcast with Shannen Doherty, Holly decided to set the record straight about Shannen's firing from the series after 3 seasons. Holly claimed that Alyssa Milano is the one who instigated the firing. Holly said the show's producers were backed into a corner by Alyssa who threaten to sue if Shannen was not fired. This led to producers having to decide whether to fire Alyssa or Shannen - so they chose Shannen out of fear of a lawsuit from Alyssa. For her part, Shannen claims there was a lot of conflict behind the scenes and "not enough passion for the work". Read More
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Alyssa Milano, Shannen Doherty, and Holly Marie Combs - the original cast of Charmed, 1998. Photo: DigitalSpy.com |
Comment: It's nice to know that Hollywood actors are just like normal families. They hold grudges, bring up shit that happened decades ago, and can't let go of the past.
► Because Hollywood doesn't have any damn original ideas left, the X Files are getting a reboot. Director Ryan Coogler (of Black Panther) is in discussions to bring a diverse perspective to the series. No word if Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny will be involved. The reboot (fingers crossed it doesn't happen) comes at the heels of the 2016 "reboot lite" as season 11 which was a colossal ratings disaster. Hollywood never learns to leave things alone. Read More
Director Ryan Coogler (with still photo from XFiles). Image: Deadline.com
Comment: As I've said a million times, Hollywood has become a lazy assembly line that churns out crap that values quantity over quality. Studios have zero interest in original creative work. They rather keep rebooting, rehashing franchises over investing in quality writers and creative thinkers. Until audiences revolt, I don't see things changing.
► Actor Jonathan Majors, who was on the fast track for stardom with roles in Antman, Creed III, and Magazine Dreams (the release of it has been cancelled) is finding himself on an express elevator to obscurity for shit bag behavior. A jury found him guilty of assault and domestic violence for attacking his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari back in March. His fans are outraged over the verdict with some demanding the know the names of jurors...for what I can only assume is to harass them. Good luck with that (dumb ass fans). A few months ago Jonathan was dropped by his PR agency, his manager, Disney, and now Marvel Studios after revelations about his past behavior began to surface after the attack on Grace (part of the attack was caught on video). The investigation into his past included directors refusing to work with him because of his volatile behavior towards cast and crew members, claims of abuse from past girlfriends that were discovered in UK police reports, and classmates from Yale sharing tales of his abusive behavior. Sentencing is scheduled for February 6, 2024. The charges carry up to one year in prison. Read More
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Jonathan Majors. Photo: Robert Smith /Patrick McMullan / Getty Images / Variety.com |
Comment: If you haven't read the Rolling Stone magazine investigative report on Jonathan Majors, I suggest you check it out. It details his abusive behavior which had been going on for a long time - and was swept under the rug. I'm not a fan of Rolling Stone magazine, but in this case, they did a good job of researching the facts. It's a disturbing story of how someone like Jonathan can get away with being an abusive POS for years and why victims are afraid to speak up. Rolling Stone Investigation Report
► The wax statue of French actor Gerard Depardieu has been removed from the Grevin Museum. The 74 year old actor is in hot water (again). This time it's due to a recent report on a French TV documentary of his 2018 trip to North Korea where he made obscene gestures and acted like a wanker. Gerard has been under investigation since 2020 for allegations of sexual abuse and rape. Read More
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French actor Gerard Depardieu, 2023. Photo: BBC.com |
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A younger Gerard Depardieu. Photo: Flicker.com |
Comment: I have never understood why the French movie industry (and the public) think this disgusting pile of dung is a sex symbol. Look at him...he's ugly AF and has the appeal of wart. Even when he was young, he oozed grossness. There's no accounting for good taste. Anyway, I'm glad the Grevin Museum came to their senses. I hope the melt his wax statue into birthday candles for Ghislaine Maxwell. That would be hilarious! Fingers crossed the French police continue their investigation and don't sweep it under the rug...which sadly happens too often when allegations of assholery behavior are made against powerful people.
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