EVENING NIGHTCAP: Ha Ha...More Bad News For Jonathan Majors. Critics Choice Awards FASHUUUN. Words That Need To GTFO For 2024.


 I'm feeling cranky because of the cold weather and all the damn snow. When I was a younger I loved the snow. Now...nope. I'm tired of shoveling, standing outside freezing with the snowblower, and having to put multiple coats on my dog so she can go outside to poop & pee. She gives me the, "don't you wish I was a cat" look whenever we go outside.  The gif below describes my mood the past few days. With that, I'm going to drink hot chocolate, sit on the couch with my doggo, and watch Tango & Cash. Stay warm!


► More bad news for disgraced actor Jonathan Majors, who was found guilty of beating up his ex-girlfriend and other assholery behavior.  It was announced today the actor was dropped from the movie, "48 Hours In Vegas". He was going to play fashionista basketball player Dennis Rodman. No word on who is going to replace him. Jonathan's fall from grace keeps getting worse. He was in discussion with director Spike Lee for the new movie, "Da Understudy".  Well, that has evaporated too. He's no longer under consideration.  Read More

Jonathan Majors and Dennis Rodman. Photo: Yahoo.com

Comment:  Jonathan's career is OVAH.  Between the guilty verdit, claims from past directors about his behavior, and even his classmates from Yale speaking out about his assholery behavior, things are looking bleak for him. What pisses me off about this entire ordeal is that his behavior as a raging wanker was well know but people just looked the other way or gave him a pass. This is why Hollywood and the entertainment industry is such as cesspool. Oh, to make matters worse: Jonathan thought it was a good idea to have a sit-down interview with ABC News about the guilty verdict. During the interview, he shed a few faux tears but never once apologized to his ex-girlfriend or took any responsibility for his past behavior. 

►The Critics Choice Awards was held last night. It was hosted by the unfunny, annoying Chelsea Handler. Sashaying on the red carpet was Jennifer Anniston who borrowed Zac Efron's new face, Billie Eilish looking like a schoolmarm meets skanky pilgrim, and Pedro Pascal embracing every shade of beige. Danielle Brooks decided to dress like a cockatoo about to flee the perch. Um, WTH Dan Levy? Why are you wearing grandpa's suit? You look like an unemployed philosophy professor moonlighting as the night manager at a morgue. Pull yourself together!  Read More

Comment: I gotta believe some stylists must really dislike their clients. I mean JFC why would Pedro leave the house looking like that? I know he has his arm in a sling but that's no excuse for wearing that wrinkled beige nightmare (including the eyeglasses) and looking like a disheveled mess. Danielle Brooks...WTF? And what's with Jennifer Anniston's face? DAMN...she looks like 2 miles of bad road. I have no idea why she's dragging that piece of fabric. 

Jennifer Anniston at Critics Choice Awards, January 2024. Photo: Page Six

Pedro Pascal at the Critics Choice Awards, January 2024. Photo: Page Six

Billie Eilish at the Critics Choice Awards, January 2024. Photo: Page Six

Danielle Brooks at the Critics Choice Awards, January 2024. Photo: Page Six

Dan Levy at the Critics Choice Awards, January 2024. Photo: Page Six

► The brainiacs at Lake Superior State University in Michigan have shared their list of words or phrases that have overstayed their welcomed and need to be banished in 2024.  Some of these are words have been around eons of time but have been retooled by Gen Z who have given them their own "spin" and effectively ruined them for the rest of us.  Damn kids.  Anyway, here is the list. Read More

  • Hack (the word has changed meanings so many times from its original meaning)
  • Impact
  • At the end of the day
  • Rizz
  • Slay (this word was popular back in the late 1980's - 1990's. Resurrected by Gen Z)
  • Iconic (this is the 2nd year the word has made the list. Hasn't taken the hint to disappear)
  • Cringe-worthy
  • Obsessed
  • Side-hustle
  • Wait for it

Comment:  To Gen Z, everything is "iconic". I'm soooo fed up with the overuse of this word. I would also add to the list:  goat (ugh...hate it...it was on last year's list), low hanging fruit (which is a business term that has been overplayed too damn long), circle back, chill, and it is what it is. 



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