EVENING NIGHTCAP: Hey Satan - come get Katie Price. Trailer for Ghostbusters #5. Why Is Britney Apologizing to Justin?



►  Katie Price has drawn the anger and ire of pet lovers (including myself) for giving away her puppy, Tank, because he no longer looked cute on IG.  Insiders are saying that Katie lost interest in Tank not only because he was growing but she did not want to invest any time in training him.  This is the 2nd puppy this POS flotation device has given away. A few months ago she gave away another puppy, Duke, to her electrician.  People who know Katie say she loves puppies but quickly loses interest when they are no longer young and adorable.  The UK chapter of PETA is calling for Katie to be investigated not only for being a shitty person but also for the death of pets under her care that have occurred the past few years (that include 5 dogs, 1 chameleon, and a horse).  Read More

Katie Price with Tank. Photo: SNAP/Backgrid/Daily Mail

Comment:  I never cared for this trashy wench, even during her "feel sowwwy for me because of  poor Harvey" phase. I hated the way she used Harvey for attention (this goes waaay back to early DListed days).  Now she's given me ANOTHER reason to despise her with every molecule in my body.  I hope Karma comes knocking on her door dressed as the grim reaper alongside a pissed off Cerberus.  If you're not into mythology, Ceberus is the 3-headed dog that guards the entrance to hell. 

► Sony Pictures released the official trailer for "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire". This is the 5th movie in the franchise.  Reprising their roles from the 1st original movie are Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Annie Potts.  In the latest installment that NO ONE asked for, they are joined by Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, McKenna Grace, Finn Wolfhard, and Patton Oswalt.  The plot centers on the Spengler family leaving Oklahoma and moving back to New York into the firehouse from the first movie.  The movie will premier March 22; and hits theaters on March 29. Read More

Comment: The first Ghostbusters was a fun movie that I enjoyed (I saw on the big screen when it came out back in 1984 with my mom). My mom thought the Marshmallow ghost was Charmim toilet paper monster. Since then, I've watched it at home a few times over the years. IMO, the best part was Harold Ramis who played Egon. Sadly, he passed away 10 years ago. Anyway, the 2nd GB was utter crap that deserves to have my dog squat on it. I have not seen #3,4, and I doubt I'll see the 5th one - even free. The premise has worn out its welcome. It's time to put the franchise on permanent containment like the movie's ghosts. 

 ► Britney Spears kicked off her  "I'm Sowwy Apology Tour" by issuing a statement on IG for offending anyone as a result of her memoirs.  Britney directed the apology mainly at asshat Justin Timberlake....and just in time for the release of his new album and tour. Um, why do I get the feeling that Justin's "people" (attorneys) probably had a chat with Britney's "people" (her attorneys) which prompted this horseshit?  Here's what Britney wrote: Read More

 “I wanna apologize for some of the things I wrote about in my book. If I offended any of the people I genuinely care about I am deeply sorry. … I also wanted to say I am in love with Justin Timberlake’s new song ‘Selfish,’" she wrote on Instagram before making her account private. “It is soo good and how come every time I see Justin and Jimmy together I laugh so hard.”


Undated photo of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears. Photo: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP; Steve Granitz/Wireimage via Getty/Yahoo.com

Comment: Britney's fans (and non-fans like me) are confused as to why she felt the need to issue an apology. It was unnecessary. Here's my theory: this apology was probably negotiated by attorneys since it's no secret Justin's reputation took a nosedive as a result of Britney's book. I'm willing to bet that's reason behind all this because it's impacting sales of his new album and upcoming tour. Justin's reputation was already in the shitter because of how he threw Janet Jackson under the bus for the 2004 Superbowl fiasco...and to this day has yet to own up to his behavior. Plus, let's not forget his wedding video that featured him filming homeless people and making fun of them (he and wife Jessica Biel thought it was funny).  If Justin can't handle the truth that he was AND still is a jerk, then he's an even bigger self absorbed cry baby than I thought.


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