Caption This! Winners for 2/19

Congratulations to the winners of yesterday's Caption This contest!

1st Place:

  • Bleecker
    • "When the pineapple decal on their cabin door didn't catch the attention of the other swingers on the cruise, Jorge and Betty turned up the heat."
2nd Place (tie):
  • bkmn - End the filibuster!
    • "Donny will force Melania to do anything to make a buck after the New York state judgment came down."
  • AnnoBanano
    • "40 years married and they still find each other appealing."
3rd Place (tie):
  • skinnymalinky
    • "Lady and the Tramp: Havana Nights"
  • ZombieDjibuddha
    • "Barbara and Frank try out the first of Liza Minnelli's Tips to Keep That Man."


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