EVENING NIGHTCAP: Sean William Scott...who? (I totally forgot about him). Today's "Who's Dis"? Kristen Stewart Pisses Off Right Wingers.



► Triple-name-has-been Sean William Scott has filed for divorce from Olivia Karenberg after 4 years.  He checked off "irreconcilable difference" box on the paperwork.  SWS is seeking join custody of their 3 year old daughter.  I had no idea he was married or had a kid.  I guess that memo went to my "Don't Give A Shit" folder.  Read More

Sean Scott William. Photo: Getty / TooFab.com

Comment:  I haven't heard about him since he was in American Pie back in 2000 (?) and the shitty sequels that followed, with each one worse than the previous. I checked his IMDB and the last "significant" role he had was was in the reboot of Lethal Weapon as a TV series that lasted from 2018-2019. Since then, he's made 2 movies that I can only surmise were released direct-to-the trashcan.  SWS is the relative that you forgot existed until you get a birthday card from them with clowns and baby animals because they still think you're still 8 years old (but you're now 45). 

► Today's "Who's Dis" is someone who is getting flack for describing herself as a "Ukrainian sex doll" (her words not mine) and claiming that it was bad lighting for the reason why she looks "different". Uh-huh, sure honey, whatever. Well in case you can't tell...it's Megan Fox. She's with  Water Pistol Kelly, Mr. Swift (Jason), and Tay-Tay at a party a few days ago. Read More

Photo: Megan Fox Instagram / Page Six

Comment: Megan described herself perfectly. She does look like a sex doll - and a bad one at that. The kind that you buy at Spencer's as a gag gift and it actually makes you gag because of the stench of cheap beach ball plastic. BTW,  I'm not surprised that self-proclaimed goody-two shoes Tay Tay is hanging around the STD petri dish of Megan & Water Pistol Kelly. I knew she had a trashy side.

► Kristen Stewart is raising the cockles of MAGA rats, Twilight fans who don't live in reality, the evangelicals, and Republicans for the way she's posing on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine.  Kristen claims she wanted "to do the gayest f***king thing" for the cover. She's featured wearing a jock strap with her hand  grabbing her goodies. She looks like the love child of a one night stand between a bottle of Paul Mitchell Hair Gel and an abandoned Miller's Outpost.  Read More

Kristen Stewart on the cover of Rolling Stone. Photo: RollingStone@RollingStone /Twitter

Comment:  I personally don't like the cover because she looks sweaty and gives off the stench of dirty gym socks and crotch cheese.  But, I think it's hilarious right-wing extremist are pissed and offended that Kristen isn't living up to their image. I have no idea why on earth they thought she was some pristine Mary Virgin to begin with. I have a theory that many MAGA / evangelical nut jobs are Twighlight weirdos who live in an alternate reality. They believe that Bella and Edward should be together in real life. They are the same people who will blow a gasket if their beloved Tay-Tay is seen drinking tequila shots and flashing her cooch like Lohan circa 2005. They'll  blame liberals for corrupting her soul.



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