EVENING NIGHTCAP: A Sucker Is Born Every Minute. Ariana Stans Jeffrey Dahmer.



► There's a sucker born every minute. This saying is very fitting for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the worm brain doofus and his campaign staff.  RFK Jr. hired the walking hemorrhoid known as Russell Brand for a campaign fundraiser event at Nashville, Tennessee which was also attended by the festering zit known as Rob Schneider.  As expected, Russell went on a conspiracy theory rant that included anti-vax views.  He also supposedly claimed the CIA infiltrated the event. I'm sure that was applauded by RFK, Jr. since he peddles his own brand of nonsensical reality.  Anyhoo, Russell was paid $70,000 to appear. So...after that big payday, do you think Russell endorsed RFK, Jr? NOPE! A while later, Russell was publicly encouraging his podcast listeners to vote for The Orange Turd for POTUS. Oh snap! Read More

Comment:  I wonder if RFK, Jr and his campaign manager are asking for their money back? Or maybe they're secretly hoping the Orange Turd will select RFK, Jr. as his Veep and that will even things out in the twisted mind of RFK, Jr.  I miss the old days when presidential candidates were  sane, well-educated, experienced, semi-normal people. 

Russell Brand at RFK, Jr. fundraiser.  Photo: @RobSchnieder/X Twitter/Page Six

 US presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Photo: Getty Images/Page Six

► Question for PW Manor readers: What historical figure would you invite to dinner?  Off the top of my head, it would be a tie between Michelangelo, Thurgood Marshall, or Albert Einstein.  On the "Podcrushed" podcast hosted by Penn Bagley, Sophie Ansari, and Nava Kavelin, The Donut Licker (Govt. Name: Ariana Grande-Delusion) confessed that her ultimate dinner date would be serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Yes, you read that correctly. Ariana is not only a donut licker, she's also a stan for one of the worst serial killers ever.  Ariana farted out this explanation: Read More

"I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer is pretty fascinating. I think I would have loved to have met him," she said, smiling. "You know, maybe with a third party or someone involved. But I have questions."

W.T.F??? Of all the historical figures that have lived, she picked a Dahmer?  Podcast listeners and social media were not in the mood for her bullshit entree with a side of fava beans. Ariana was called out for her stupidity and insensitivity:    

"We are not joking about a serial killer who murdered with impunity because the police did not care about black men and gay men. Kindly f*** off!"

 "Full fucking stop. Ain’t nothing cute, edgy, cool, or okay with saying this."

"That’s such a disgusting thing to say."

Ariana Grande. Photo: JC Olivera/Getty Images/Yahoo.com

Comment:  Referring to Jeffrey Dahmer as a "pretty fascinating person" is fucked up (unless you're a psychologist or psychiatrist who studies serial killers or a FBI profiler).  I'd like to know what "questions" she would ask Dahmer. I imagine she would say, "Hey, Jeffrey, what's your favorite flavor of donut and why?"  Or giggle and say, "OMG Jeff...I'm a man eater too!"



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