Post A Pup Sundays on Monday! Who Do The Puppies Like? Has Your Dog Ever Alerted You About Someone? (cat people are invited to the party)

I get many a kick watching Buzzfeed's interviews with puppies because you can see who is so uncomfortable that the puppies give a quick sniff and walk away and who they cuddle and want to climb on. When they are that young, they are pure instinct, so when they don't like someone, they don't even bother. The awkwardness and the tries crack me up, making me wonder about people. Tom Holland's love for the pups is adorable, and they love him, too. 

When I was single, I would watch how my fosters or pets judged my interests and see if they were interested in them. If they ignored them, I knew to pass right away; if they acted put out or the animals stared and refused to engage, I might have to cancel right then and there. I am washing my hair tonight. My animal-loving bastard ex was so charming and affectionate that he won them over and took a genuine interest in my fosters, and I would catch him kissing them and whispering loving things to them. It took me time to figure it out; Narcissists can love (well, their brand of love) animals and are most likely to love them since they can be so loyal, give us so much back, and aren't taxing emotionally. He told me point blank that if his dog didn't like me, then it would be a problem. His dog loved me like a lovesick lover, and it was the dog I missed most when it ended. 

Do you have any stories like that? Have you ever seen your pet recoil or ignore someone?


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