ANNOUNCEMENT: Sick Of Lunocracy? You Are Not Alone!

Are politics getting you down? How could they not? Rest easy, fellow Peckers, since starting on Monday, November 18th, all Open Posts will be politics-free! Huzzah!

No, we're not going to police this, but instead, encourage you to take your urgent, funny, filthy political chitchat to a new post, "Peckerwood's Weekly Political Poop," which will appear every Monday at 10:30am PST. Huzzah, again!

There, you can harangue, scream, gossip, flash your naughty bits, and generally carry on about politics, trusted political action groups, volunteering, and suchlike, to your hearts content throughout the week. For those politically-minded, it'll be a terrific place, we hope, to exchange information and horrors. For those who find politics dreary, it'll be a place to avoid.

Hopefully, this will lessen political chatter in regular Open Posts. We've heard your pleas for this change, and while we're sometimes slow to accommodate, we get it. No, really, we do. We want Peckerwood to be a happy place for everyone, and that includes political junkies and those who'd really rather not.

See you at the inaugural "Peckerwood's Weekly Political Poop," on Monday! Or not!

In the meantime, let's start the mud-flinging here. Did you know there's a bipartisan call to release the Senate investigative report on Gaetz' underage monstrosities? I love mess!


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