EVENING NIGHTCAP: Doomsday Gets Moved Up. Howie & Billy Are Jerks.


► The Doomsday Clock, the international timepiece that signals how close the planet is to reaching its limits with the buffoonery people, has moved up it's notice of eviction for humans. The clock has been set to 89 seconds to midnight. It's the first time the clock has moved forward since 2023. Last year, it was set to 90 seconds. Whoo-hoo, now you get one less second to scratch your ass, finish nuking that Hot Pocket, or fold that pile of laundry on your bed. According to the brainiacs at the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: Read More

"We track man-made threats and focuses on three main hazard areas — nuclear risk, climate change and disruptive technologies — to determine the clock's placement. The clock's position this year was set based on "nuclear weapons threats, the climate crisis, biological threats, and disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence," according to a press release from the Bulletin.

The Doomsday Clock was moved to 89 seconds to midnight. Photo: Saul Loeb/Getty Images/CBS News

Comment: The Doomsday Clock looks like an overpriced art sculpture from a bougie artist who lives off a trust fund and slums it up living in a 5,000 sq ft (464 meters) loft above a Trader Joe. Anyhoo, the scientists said the USA, China, and Russia are to blame for the clock moving closer to the end of the world. If the leaders of these countries don't get their shit together and knock it off with their urinal pissing contest, it will result in cockroaches inhering the earth. 

 Ab Fab Apocalypse GIF

► On the Howie Does Stuff show, host Howie Mendel (who I consider to be the ingrown toenail of comedy), thought it was a good idea to ambush comedian Bill Burr with a faux family reunion with Smashing Pumpkins front man Billy Corgan. Several months ago, Billy Corgan shared a story that he and Bill Burr may be half brothers. Apparently, Bill Burr's father was a traveling musician and POS who passed his peen around. Bill Burr was annoyed that Billy shared this story without first talking to him. Fast forward to the Howie Mandel show: Howie thought it would be a good idea to have the 2 Bills together without telling Bill Burr by taking a page out of the Jerry Springer playbook. When Bill Burr showed up and was ambushed, he was pissed: Read More

"Burr again expressed frustration with Corgan for sharing the story in the first place, asking, "Why did you feel the need to do that?" The musician defended himself by pointing to Mandel, explaining that he insisted Corgan share the story on air after being told privately. Burr then tore into Mandel for setting up the encounter for the sake of "ratings," quipping, "What was supposed to happen? Are we going to go play catch? We're both in our 50s."

Comment: Billy Corgan was and is an ahole. He never should have publicly shared the theory that he and Bill Burr may be half brothers. That's the kind of thing you discuss in private. Howie Mandel is an inconsiderate jagoff for ambushing Bill Burr and putting him in an awkward situation of having to discuss a private matter.

Howie Mandel
Howie Mandel. Photo: Howie Mandel / You Tube/ Entertainment News.com
Bill Burr Billy Corgan
Left: Bill Burr and Billy Corgan. Photo: Entertainment News. com




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