OPEN POST: This 100% Alien is the Archeology Find of the Millennium.

It seems as though Mexico's Congress has some extra time to tackle the real issues. Poverty? Cartels? No! They took time out on Wednesday to determine if two shriveled grey "corpses" were proof that UFOs exist and that they had been to Earth. Jaime Maussan, a self-proclaimed UFOist with a history of pseudoscience and showing false alien remains, should have been adequately vetted. It is called Google. You put his name in the search bar, and there you have enough information about Jaime for any reasonable person to declare that it could be the optics won't look so bueno to the world. "Let us skip it because this guy is muy loco." The fact that he is the Mexican Dr. Phil mixed with L. Ron Hubbard and a large dollop of "survivor of a bad LSD trip" mashed together didn't raise alarms? Before 2007 (when the tabloid shut its doors), chico would have been the editor of Weekly World New s. This is how outlandish this guy is, but this eluded them all?...