
Showing posts with the label Australia

OPEN POST: Mischievous Elephant Seal Goes Rogue in Tasmania

Neil the Seal, the rotund ruler of Tasmanian shenanigans, has been waddling his way into the hearts of the internet with his wild antics and bold behavior. This beach boy, who tips the scales at a hefty 600 kg/1,322 lbs, has been living his best life in the coastal towns of Dunalley and Woodbridge, where he's become a local legend and a global sensation.  Neil's list of hilarious moments keeps growing every time he hauls his blubbery self out of the water and onto land. He's been spotted engaging in a one-seal protest against traffic management, a vendetta feud with a police officer, and treating cones like they're pins in a bowling alley designed just for him. Neil feels that the locals should be grateful for allowing them to be so close to a superstar like himself. So what if he decides to camp out on a road and stop traffic. And what's it to the locals if he takes over a porch or two.  His favorite activities are his impromptu yard invasions, where he sunbathes w

OPEN POST: Australia's Palm Cockatoos Should Have Rockstar Careers!

Palm cockatoos are the rockstar drummers of the bird world! They've got a unique talent for making and using drumsticks to create percussive sounds. It's like they're hosting their own Coachella in the jungle. These birds are true artists, each crafting their own drumsticks with a distinctive design. It's like they're saying, "Move over, Dave Grohl, we've got our own music to play!" They pick up branches and seed pods, then whittle them down with their beaks to create their very own drumsticks. And get this - each bird has its own drumming pattern, making them the ultimate solo performers. These cockatoos are the only non-human species known to rock out with their own custom-made drumsticks. I was stoked to learn this because they are hands down my favorite bird. Now, if only we could teach ours to do that, then maybe we'd form a band!