OPEN POST: Terrorist Seagulls Invade the UK! No One is Safe!

Amidst a particular audacious flock of gulls who have been invading England and Scotland, one colossal bird, with its aggressive behavior, is asserting its dominance in the area around the Exchange Flags just behind Liverpool Town Hall. No one is safe from these thugs, and crime rates have risen dramatically. This situation demands immediate attention and action. This cannot go on. Several journalists, including a seasoned crime reporter named Paddy, who had seen some things during their time reporting on the gritty stories of the underbelly of humanity, have been among the victims. Paddy shared his harrowing experience: "I had just purchased a Margherita pizza slice from Greggs on Castle Street and was walking back through Exchange Flags towards my office. I've seen baked goods swiped out of people's hands regularly walking near the town hall, but you never think it would happen to you." "Out of nowhere, this monster swooped down, beady yellow eyes glaring, and...