OPEN POST: Terrorist Seagulls Invade the UK! No One is Safe!

Amidst a particular audacious flock of gulls who have been invading England and Scotland, one colossal bird, with its aggressive behavior, is asserting its dominance in the area around the Exchange Flags just behind Liverpool Town Hall. No one is safe from these thugs, and crime rates have risen dramatically. This situation demands immediate attention and action. This cannot go on. 

Several journalists, including a seasoned crime reporter named Paddy, who had seen some things during their time reporting on the gritty stories of the underbelly of humanity, have been among the victims.

Paddy shared his harrowing experience: "I had just purchased a Margherita pizza slice from Greggs on Castle Street and was walking back through Exchange Flags towards my office. I've seen baked goods swiped out of people's hands regularly walking near the town hall, but you never think it would happen to you."

"Out of nowhere, this monster swooped down, beady yellow eyes glaring, and squared up, wings flapping."A visibly shaken Paddy faced a difficult choice: "I had two options - throw the pizza on the floor and surrender it to the hungry beast while continuing the throwaway culture that has led to the city's seagull infestation, or deploy evasive tactics."

"Ducking behind my colleague, I put the pizza in my pocket and headed for shelter. The amusement of the situation wasn't lost on passersby. They laughed and pointed fingers as I ran to safety. No one even tried to help." The shame has followed Paddy ever since, and it might be time to get trauma specialists involved since life as they knew it was lost forever.

Others who fell victim to the hefty birds included a woman who was "attacked while carrying a concealed chicken baguette from Greggs," and another, who had "several pasties swiped."

But it's not just intrepid souls who have fallen prey to the unruly seagull of Exchange Flags. Others commented on the seagull's impressive size and brutish demeanor in question. A pub owner described the bird as the "top-level boss," while another said: "Literally the same size as my dog."

One Clacton-on-Sea, Essex resident has a "guard gull,"" she has named Judas, who is highly territorial and will attack and fight any fool seagull who comes near her garden. She said: "He's hard. Every time another seagull comes anywhere near, he will go for them and practically take a chunk out of a wing." She said his favorite foods are pizza, fruit, and Cathedral City cheese. Still, she suspects he heads to the pier to steal fish and chips at weekends as he's "around less." 

Miss Essex doesn't help, does she? Miss Essex is part of the problem. These birds are toddlers with wings; if you give in once, you shall rue the day because their whole reason for living becomes getting you to give in again and break your spirit. 

Back in Liverpool, another bully seagull, who rules the roost at the waterfront near the Liver Building, is making a play to become the king of the Seagull Mafia; one gent who sent in some snaps of the bird stealing a chip as he glared into the camera realized there was no point to arguing with it. It had no fear, practically daring him to do something so he could take him down one lethal peck at a time. 

Their reign of terror even crosses into Scotland, where seagulls will peck on windows like be-winged menaces for food until they are given a snack. A woman in Scotland said there is no point in resistance; they will outlast your will. 


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