
Showing posts with the label Butt Stuff

OPEN POST: Free the Peach!

In Dis Tew Much™ news, a proposal to ban wearing thongs on the beach in Australia is underway, and of course you already know the type behind it - a straight white puritanical killjoy (local businessman Ian Grace). He proposed the ban in a letter to the Gold Coast mayor, confidently claiming (without consulting anyone whatsoever, probably) that it "makes people uncomfortable." Um, okay, buddy... However, in response to the proposed ban, a bikini-clad rally of protestors have gathered to show their support for what they're now calling the 'Free the Peach' movement. I'd be lying if said I wasn't a bit disappointed they aren't calling it 'Butt Out, Ian!', but I digress. Discussing the protest, one pro-thong woman had this to say about it: "It's giving everybody the freedom of choice of what they can wear on the beach. It's fighting for our right to feel comfortable enough in our own skin. We've been doing it for so many years, i