
Showing posts with the label Cesspool

Kevin and Christine's Divorce is a Cesspool

As I said before, and it comes down to this, she signed a terrible prenup. He offered her an insult, and she signed it, probably thinking it would never come to this. Maybe she told herself they would work through anything, and her love for him clouded her judgment. I get the impression babygirl is not a brain trust.  Christine did herself no favors by asking for a quarter million dollars a month, and now it has been cut even more, from 129,000 to 63,000 a month. It is a quarter of the quarter million she asked for. Now, she or her lawyers made poor decisions because he had offered her more than that which she turned down. I fail to see the strategy they threw out there; even their reasoning sounds like she found their number on some billboard on the way to Vegas.  "Because the children fly on private aircraft to go on luxury vacations when they are with their father, the Family Code dictates that Kevin should pay sufficient child support to Christine so that the children can ...