
Showing posts with the label Feline

Saturday is Caturday! What intelligent thing can your cat do? Post photos, memes, videos or anything kitty!

This week, I found a cute video to share. This holiday season is busier than normal, so I will post what I can on Caturdays to keep Kitty Corner at the manor open for business. What intelligent things do your cats do? I have one that opens doors and has figured out how to get to the treats for cats and dogs. I had to put a lock on the door, or else she would feed the pets treats like a benevolent treat goddess. 

Saturday is Caturday: Tabbies! Share photos, memes, and anything feline related!

Breed: American Shorthair is a breed, not a domestic mixed breed. These are purebred cats that are bred by breeders and have a strong, remarkable tabby pattern round faces and are silver and black. They do come in other colors but show cats are mostly the pattern and color of the cat above.  Tabby cats are not a specific breed but rather a description of their characteristic markings. The term "tabby" refers to a cat's coat pattern and has nothing to do with breed. The tabby pattern is the most common pattern seen in domestic cats and can appear in many different breeds with a surprising amount of variation. Tabbies can be brown, gray, orange, or even black, and their markings include stripes, spots, whorls, and bands. They typically have a "M"-shaped mark on their foreheads. There are five main tabby coat patterns:  Classic Tabby: The Classic Tabby has stripes on its face and head, with swirls of darker color on a lighter base throughout the body. These swirls

Saturday is Caturday! Native Americans and Cats. Post photos, videos, memes or anything kitty.

For Thanksgiving, I decided to write about cats and Native Americans, and I will write a similar post for pups tomorrow. I wanted to know the significance of cats in their culture and was surprised by some things, not others. Cats are such awesome creatures; it should come as no surprise that they are revered and feared all around the world. Today, I offer the history of cats in Native American culture.  Felines have held significant meaning in Native American culture, with various tribes attributing spiritual and symbolic importance to them. For many tribes, cats were deeply spiritual and sacred, representing independence, guardian energy, Eros, the esoteric, and mystery. Cats were seen as guardians and were associated with independence and mystery, reflecting the spiritual beliefs and values of the tribes. However, not all tribes harbored positive feelings for cats. The Oglala tribe avoided cats, believing they had the power to place horrible curses on those who crossed their path. H

Saturday is Caturday! Gustav Klimt Artist, Cat Lover and his Art. Bring photos, memes, videos or anything feline related

I thought it would be fun to honor our feline friends on Caturday. The pups can't have all the fun on Sundays. This is a work in progress, so any feedback is welcome. What would you like to see here? I do write articles about pup lovers, but this one will have photos, clips, celebrities with cats, art, and sometimes a profile about cat lovers. Right now, it will be twice a month, biweekly, unless I find I can write something quickly. I am a fast writer, but time isn't always on my side.  Today, I am posting some art by Gustav Klimt(July 14, 1862-February 6, 1918) because he loved cats and had about 8 of them in his studio. Gustav is associated with the Vienna Secession movement that broke away from the accepted movements at that time because they felt they were limiting and forcing artists to follow accepted schools if they wanted to be successful and gain attention. It was the birth of Modern Art in Austria, a very conservative and traditional country at that time. Led by Klim