Saturday is Caturday! Native Americans and Cats. Post photos, videos, memes or anything kitty.

For Thanksgiving, I decided to write about cats and Native Americans, and I will write a similar post for pups tomorrow. I wanted to know the significance of cats in their culture and was surprised by some things, not others. Cats are such awesome creatures; it should come as no surprise that they are revered and feared all around the world. Today, I offer the history of cats in Native American culture. 

Felines have held significant meaning in Native American culture, with various tribes attributing spiritual and symbolic importance to them. For many tribes, cats were deeply spiritual and sacred, representing independence, guardian energy, Eros, the esoteric, and mystery. Cats were seen as guardians and were associated with independence and mystery, reflecting the spiritual beliefs and values of the tribes. However, not all tribes harbored positive feelings for cats. The Oglala tribe avoided cats, believing they had the power to place horrible curses on those who crossed their path.

Historical accounts and archaeological findings provide evidence of the interactions between Native Americans and cats. The Erie Indians, also known as the Cat Nation, were described as having a prodigious number of wildcats with beautiful and precious fur. The Cat Nation was populous and had a number of stationary villages, tilling the soil and speaking the same language as the Hurons. The Cat Nation! Surely, some of their descendants are among the Peckerwood residents because we are a cat-crazy bunch. 

Young bobcat. 

Moreover, archaeological evidence suggests interactions between Native Americans and cats. A  2,000-year-old burial mound in what is now Illinois contained the remains of a young bobcat, indicating a possible bond between ancient people and the animal. The bobcat was found wearing a special collar and was buried in a ritual mound reserved for humans, suggesting that it was respected on its own.

As for domestic cats, these are largely believed to be introduced by colonizers, probably the only good thing they ever gave to the Native Americans. The Seminole people of Florida reportedly kept cats as pets and believed that they could bring good luck and prosperity. Similarly, the Hopi people of Arizona kept cats as pets and believed that they could protect their homes from evil spirits.

Cat tents by Tinker Trading Company. 

(photo:West Michigan Wildlife Center)


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