
Showing posts with the label Finland

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Behold, A New Kitty Color (and Breed?) Has Been Discovered" By Saucy Kitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from Saucy Kitty! Meow to you, Pecker Feline Fans! As you surely know, many colors of kitties exist - from tabby to tux to void to cow to blank - so it's a rare occasion when science discovers an entirely new shade of cat. Introducing the salty licorice, or “Salmiak” cat from Finland. Salty licorice is apparently a cherished Finnish sweet, and that is what these babies’ furs look like (reminder to self: do not visit any country where black licorice is considered a top-shelf treat). Discovered in feral colonies around 2007, these particular purrers (see what I did there?) are usually marked in a tuxedo pattern - but their individual fur strands are black at the base, then fade to white at the tip. They sometimes have small patches of color over the white markings, as well. When scientists at the University of Helsinki and the pet DNA company

OPEN POST: Peckerwood Field Trip - Finnish Hobby Horse Championships!

Welcome to the whimsical world of Finnish hobby horse racing, where madcap enthusiasts prance around with stick-mounted felt horse heads, leaping over obstacles and performing serious dressage routines without falling over, laughing wildly at their own antics. What started as an eccentric pastime has evolved into a serious sport with international recognition. Okay, international might be strong, but it has a following in Scandi countries and my sometimes beloved UK. But let's not kid ourselves, Peckers—it's also a riotously comical spectacle that has captured the interest of niche of equestrian lovers who are too broke to afford a horse, I mean, serious athletes with a love for wood you people. This is why we are taking a field trip to Finland to watch a competition. We might even get raincoaster to suit up and join in, or one of the other Canadians whose own country has a bloodsport called curling.  Wrap your pretty heads around this: centuries ago, people were