
Showing posts with the label Game

Explain Your Week With a Gif !

I was busy this past week getting the kids, the husband, the house, the pets, the business, and the employees ready for our departure. It was a lot of work, and my ankle is still healing. I don't work during my children's big holidays. I just don't. I would sell my business if it became an interference for my family. They come first.  How is my business structured? I have been accused of having too much time on my hands to really have a business. Laughable because no one said I was a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I work project to project, and there is a lot of downtime for research or planning or when the tasks are in waiting periods. I always take some time in between to mentally rinse off a finished project. I work from deadline to deadline that I create so I can extend my time, though I usually account for issues. I learned that the hard way.  Some projects are long, a client has a long list of projects, or the execution is highly specialized. I have to work with subcon

IF Your Week Was a Gif?

 If your week was a gif?

If Your Week Was A GIF


If Your Week Was a Gif

It is Saturday, and that time has rolled around again. How was your week? Tell us all about it with a Gif. 

Explain Your Week in a Gif.

So spill it. What happened this week, and how do you feel about it? I always loved this question at our D,  I figured why not make it a post and see what you come up with! Have fun!