
Showing posts with the label I Need To Take A Wizz Real Bad

Movies Are Too Damn Long: "Killers Of The Flower Moon" Edition!

Have you heard? "Killers Of The Flower Moon" is the celebrated new Martin Scorsese movie about atrocities committed against American Indians - and yes, it's 3 hours and 37 minutes long. Make sure and drain those pipes before taking your seat, amirite? Wouldn't it be nice to have an intermission to stretch your legs, use the restroom or get a refill on your drink? You're in luck - or you were. Last week, Scorsese and the movie's distributors, Apple and Paramount, bitch-slapped several theatres nationwide who dared to insert a brief intermission at the movie's halfway point. "Everyone was really into it," a theatre rep said. "People could have a 10 minute break and not miss anything." Reasonable, right? Especially since most of the people going to see it  are over 45 and might not have the bladders of all those giggly 16 year-olds squealing at the 2 hour plus "Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour" in the theatre next door. But noooooo. S