
Showing posts with the label Janet Jackson

THIRSTY OR NOT THIRSTY? Brad Pitt & Sam Asghari, Plus Boy George and Rebel Wilson! Who's This Week's Thirstiest?

Welcome to the latest edition of "Thirsty Or Not Thirsty!" First up, we have sixty-year-old Brad Pitt - the movie star New Orleans loves to hate - and his adoring girlfriend, Ines De Ramon, who's a whopping 30 years his junior. But honestly, who's counting when you're an aging, juiced-on-Viagra star and a much younger "jewelry professional" (cough) who's also actor Paul Wesley's divorced, smash-and-trash leftover slop? A girl's gotta keep that money train going, and if this means riding a limp, cum-sputtering meat noodle (she cries "Timber!" whenever he whips it out) so be it.  The moisture-seeking couple were recently spotted on a "special date night" at a Beverly Hills art exhibit. Gossip sites called this a "rare sighting!" of the duo (who of course have them all on speed dial). Yet they weren't the only thirsty star whores at the gathering. There was also Jon Voight - shocker! - and, no, they didn't c

SHOCKER! Justin Timberlake Is A Tool Who Threatened To Ruin Britney's Career!

Breaking news! Justin Timberlake (pictured above during his "I'ma Kewl Gangsta" phase) is a mangy, soft-nutting cock sneeze who stomps on women to get what he wants, then lies about them in public - then later tries to say, "Aw, but it's all in the past, yo. We cool now," as if he'd merely friendzoned the women in question, as if his mean girl fuckery was acceptable both then and now. "Oh my dong, you don't say!" you say, because this is brand new information. I keed, I keed. We've all known Timberlake to be a punk-ass cheeseball for some time, only now, like a screeching Karen who finally gets called out after complaining about a Black girl using the sidewalk (to walk!), Justin seems to be getting ripped a new one on the daily these days. And, gosh, I don't think even his K-K-Karen Gurl Kornrows are going to help. Sad emoticon.  I should first note that I've never been particularly interested in Britney, the spiller of all the