
Showing posts with the label Katie Ledecky

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Olympians Pee in the Pool" by Saucy Kitty!

Katie Ledecky / USA Today Sports Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from SaucyKitty! I’ve seen enough posts by my fellow Peckerwoodians to know that our Manor pool is pristine rather than pissed-in. We are a polite and health-conscious group that shuns public pools, water parks, and other spots where the heathens readily urinate in the pool and use it as their private pissoir. You’d think our Olympic pool athletes would also be so polite. They are, after all, in the water for quite some time, practicing and competing, sometimes unintentionally ingesting the water. Alas, my Peckers, due to various constraints, a number of Olympic water sport (ha!) athletes have confessed to what many people didn’t ask about or want to know: a lot of them, possibly a majority, piss in the pool. U.S competitor Zach Harting (at least his last name doesn’t have an S in front of it, or I’d be really w