
Showing posts with the label Khloe Kardashian

THE ROVING PECKER PRESENTS: "Sharon Osbourne’s 'War' Against Ozempic" By SaucyKitty!

Greetings, Manor Hors! Periodically, "The Roving Pecker" presents urgent missives from filthy esteemed guest writers. Today's is from SaucyKitty! What’s that saying? If it’s not medically approved for your purpose/needs, then don’t take it? Guess Sharon Osbourne wishes she knew that. Sharon, best known for staying with a batshit crazy rock and roller for aeons, formerly hosting The Talk, not to mention “starring” in a mediocre reality show (really, aren’t they all?) is now on a campaign to get people to stop using Ozempic for weight loss, particularly teenagers. Meanwhile, there is a global shortage of Ozempic. This means that people like FatherSaucyCat (aka my Dad) have to take other diabetes drugs that may not be as well matched to their needs. Dad, for example, is having massive stomach issues with his current diabetes drug. My take? If you are not obese and are just looking to drop 10-20 pounds, you should perhaps try other methods for weight loss. Some people actua

NEPO WATCH! Shunned By The NYC Elite, Ivanka Has "Hit The Jackpot," Finding New Besties At Last!

This is a tale of moxie, a tale of bravery, a tale of all-out chutzpah from everyone's favorite Jewish convert - since Tia Tequila and Jenna Jameson, at least. This is the tale of Ivanka Trump. Why "brave," you ask? Because what's the ultimate nepo baby to do when not a single person wants to be in their company?  No, really. No one.  Since she's no longer advising world leaders at the G20 Summit  or focusing on the economic empowerment of women as daddy's specialist-ever "special advisor," Ivanka has had to completely re-architect her life! This is plainly audacious on her part, and make no mistake, architecting your life is hard.  Ever since daddy got elected, then lost his re-election, Ivanka has faced grueling hardships. Her fashion and accessories line went belly up; former social and cultural besties, like Anna Wintour and Blake Lively, no longer invited her to their exclusive soirees and events; while NYC friends since childhood, such as Lysan

Heather Dubrow And Your Fav Celebs Think Ozempic Is Fabulous!

Heather Dubrow, a Bravo "Housewife" who once declared that she "hates plus-size pride," and who's married to Terry Dubrow, a celebrity plastic surgeon, swears on stack of Splenda that she's never had plastic surgery. Ever-ever-ever. Botox? Of course. Sculptura acid-based filler injections? Often (especially when she gets, as she says, "too thin"). But that's where she draws the line, because she likes to keep things "really natural." She's also bravely extolling the virtues of Ozempic, a life-saving drug for diabetics that's now in short supply nationwide. But not for diabetes, silly, for weight loss.  She's also spitting mad that people are "shaming" her and her celebrity friends about using the drug to slim down, and boldly predicts, "It's going to be like Botox when it first came out. Ozempic is an incredibly positive thing. It just really kick started me into eating better. It makes you feel like cra