
Showing posts with the label Kittens

Saturday is Caturday! The Kitten Lady Saves One Life at a Time. Post your babies, memes, photos, videos, or just tell a story!

My friends have been pushing me to get back into rescue for the last several years, but I simply haven't had the time with 4 human kittens and 6 pets of our own, not including the horses and barn cats. After talking to my family (who are so excited, and the husband used to help me, so he is all for it) and thinking about it, I am going to put together a rescue for pregnant kitty and puppy mamas and their babies. If I can hire some full-time staff, I would expand it to include rabbits, farm animals, and horses. I have the space, resources, and heart; all I needed was the will.  It is going to take me about a year or so to organize and get a spot in my house ready, but with the wars going on and feeling helpless to do anything, I finally have the will. I have to help the world in some way, and it starts with my passion-animals. I will share some photos with you of the newborns and let you know how they progress.  So, in that vein, I thought a post about a true hero, The Kitten Lady.