
Showing posts with the label Life Expectancy

Post a Pup Sundays! Life Expectancy and long noses are related. Post your photos, videos, memes etc.

Well, it turns out that the canine world has its own version of the fountain of youth, and it's all about the nose! Recent research has shown that small, long-nosed pooches, known as the dolichocephalic doggy elite, tend to outlive their snub-nosed counterparts. That's right, the Whippets, Miniature Dachshunds (I think Dachshunds and I think pushy broad. I do), and Shetland Sheepdogs of the world are strutting their stuff well into their frisky teens, with median lifespans of about 13.3 years. The Lancashire Heeler, in particular, is practically a canine Methuselah with an ancient median age of 15.4 years. If you're wondering about the purebred versus crossbreed debate, the purebreds are wagging their tails a little longer, with a median life expectancy of 12.7 years, compared to 12.0 years for the mixed breeds. As for the battle of the sexes, female dogs are winning by a whisker, with a median life expectancy of 12.7 years, compared to 12.4 years for males. If you're i