
Showing posts with the label Mae West

OPEN POST: Be Better With Mae!

Tricks today wish! Yes, today's Open Post is late. Yes, I'm still drinking my coffee. Yes, I'm barely awake. It happens! 

OPEN POST: Mae West & Her Hats

Bonjour, Peckeronnes! In an effort to make up for assaulting your eyeballs with the subject of Friday's OP, I offer you a collection of photos of Mae West and her many hats. Some might call her hats "too much", but those people would be cunts, and as she once famously said, "Too much of a good thing is wonderful." Enjoy!

OPEN POST: Are Your Favorite Old Movies Still Watchable?

Have you ever re-watched a movie you once treasured as a child or a teenager and realized that it was low-grade crap? It happens! Recently, a friend watched "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" with her 7 year-old, hoping to share what she once enjoyed as a youngin'. "Ooo, I loved that movie when I was a kid," I told her. "Me, too," she said, "but when was the last time you saw it?" I had to think for a moment. I'd watched YouTube clips of my favorite scenes over the years, but probably hadn't watched the entire movie since I originally saw it on TV as a 10 year-old. "Trust me," my friend added, "it's junk."  Sadly, she was right. Warily at first, I re-watched it, and I'll be blunt, the movie is a dirge, moving at a snail's pace from one insipid musical number to the next, like the soul-curdling "You Two" with those offensively squeaky children; or "Posh," featuring the "eccentric" gr

Post a Pup Sundays! The Elegant Art Deco Dog: Borzoi

The Borzoi, also known as the Russian Hunting Sighthound, is a hunting dog that originated in sixteenth-century Russia. The breed was developed by crossing Saluki and European sighthounds with thick-coated Russian breeds. The Borzoi breed was popular with the Tsars before the 1917 revolution, and for centuries, Borzois could only be gifts given by the Tsars, and no one could buy them. Tall and elegant, the breed with its graceful curved tail was popularized by Queen Alexandra, who was presented with her dog Alex by Tsar Nicholas of Russia. Queen Alexandra's borzoi dog, Vassilka, stood at 82.5cm at the shoulder and was modeled in silver at the Fabergé workshop for her husband, Edward VII. The Fabergé model measures just 13.5 cm high. The Borzoi is a sizeable Russian sighthound that resembles some central Asian breeds, such as the Afghan hound, Saluki, and the Kyrgyz Taigan. The Borzoi coat is silky and flat, often wavy or slightly curly. The long top coat is relatively flat, with va